Limite 1km (2022)

Skills: I-Video, VI-Sound, VII-Writing

“Limit 1k”, Loop video and mixed sounds, 2022

“Limit 1k” is a video and sound installation created by 2 videos captured during a walk in the nature combined by 2 other videos captured while walking in the medical facilities.
My health condition prevents me to take walks just like a normal person as I’m getting exhausted even below a 1km distance. In fact, wandering in cold, lifeless and dull corridors of medical facilities is sometimes the only type of physical exercise I can afford.

One step on the track
Two leaps back
The body thrives to gallop
But the road seems sad

The goal is unreachable
The trail looks unending
The air is unbreathable
My knees are deserting

Pulse rhymes with drums
Inhale pours liquid lead
into the chest
Burning my lungs

Moving muscles throb
And bags of gravel
are crushing my body
While new struggles unravel

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